On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, The Young and the Restless aired a dramatic episode. Abby responds to Devon’s proposal, Maria and Tessa celebrate their anniversary, and Lily confides in Billy. At the park, Maria searches for Tessa, finding a picnic basket with her name on it. Tessa surprises Maria with an anniversary lunch, reminiscing about their first date and their cancellations. They laugh about the movie night on the Athletic Club roof and share a romantic lunch with a movie theme.
Meanwhile, Victor reveals a shocking plan for a hostile takeover. At his office, he declares that Nikki will be in charge, much to Adam’s satisfaction. Victor explains his strategy to reclaim control of the company from Billy, who he believes has tarnished Katherine’s legacy. Adam argues that any takeover must be hostile, but Victor assures him that he is in control.
At Society, Abby informs Devon that Tessa is off organizing a surprise for Maria. Devon and Abby share a tender moment, but Devon’s mood shifts when he sees Billy and Lily. Abby tries to reassure Devon about Lily’s loyalty, but he remains skeptical. Billy and Devon exchange tense words, with Devon expressing his frustration over the new business arrangement.
Later, Devon and Lily have a heart-to-heart outside. Devon questions Lily’s commitment to Chancellor and suspects Billy’s influence over her decision. Lily insists she’s staying at Chancellor for her own reasons, not because of Billy. Devon reluctantly accepts her choice but warns her about Billy’s intentions.
Back at the park, Devon praises Abby for helping him clear his mind. They discuss Monopoly, reminiscing about childhood games, and Devon expresses his gratitude for Abby’s support. As they talk, Devon realizes he needs someone who understands him and proposes to Abby, asking her to marry him. Abby happily agrees, and they share a kiss.