### Steffy Fires Hope Right After Learning About Hope and Finn | Bold and the Beautiful
Hello everyone, welcome back! Something strange is happening with Hope Logan. Suddenly, she seems fixated on being with someone. Once known for her integrity, Hope now daydreams about people she feels close to. Initially, it was only Thomas, but now it’s happening with Finn too, and it’s getting worse.
In Monday’s episode of B&B, Hope will fantasize about kissing Finn. What happens if she takes the lead and actually kisses him? We know she couldn’t stop herself from kissing Thomas, so it’s likely she won’t be able to control herself with Finn either. Although Finn is married, Hope feels annoyed by Steffy and doesn’t see why she should respect their marriage.
Finn, on the other hand, seems to have some feelings for Hope, even if they’re small. Finn has always done the right thing and been a good man. While Steffy tries to control him, he’s not one to cheat. However, he’s growing annoyed with Steffy for always thinking she’s right and controlling everything. This time, Finn might cheat on Steffy.
Spoilers suggest that someone will catch Hope and Finn and inform Steffy. This revelation will lead to the end of Hope’s career at Forrester Creations. What are your thoughts on this? Please share your opinions in the comments. Thank you for tuning in, and I wish you a wonderful day. Catch you in the next video!