The BBC aired an improvised episode of Casualty this evening which has attracted widespread praise from viewers, though some are concerned the World Cup will have limited its reach tonight
Casualty viewers have expressed disappointment over tonight’s improvised episode having competed against England’s World Cup quarter-final match in the schedules.
The latest episode of the BBC show saw the cast improvise their lines. It explored the pressure that paramedics and other frontline staff are under within the NHS.
It highlighted, amongst other things, ambulance queues outside hospitals. The episode was set across four days and focused on paramedics Jan (Di Botcher), Sah (Arin Smethurst), Teddy (Milo Clarke) and Iain (Michael Stevenson).
Viewers were impressed with the special instalment. Some took to social media this evening to describe the episode as “outstanding,” “important” and “powerful”.
Some were sad that it aired during England’s match against France though. They expressed fear that potential viewers won’t have watched it live and may not catch up either.
(Image: BBC)
Fans shared their thoughts on Twitter. One wrote tweeted earlier: “Gutted for #Casualty that such an interesting and innovative episode is up against an England game.”
Another said: “I wish they had aired this when the football wasn’t on.” They further commented about it: “It needs maximum viewers for such an important message”.
A third said: “Viewing figures [will likely] be less. That episode needs to be watched by many people, to highlight just how stretched our ambulance service is [though].”
(Image: BBC)
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It was dubbed a “tragedy” by one viewer, whilst another said: “This is an episode everyone should go and watch.” They added: “It was a pity it was up against the football tonight.”
“Shame millions won’t have seen it due to England v France on the other side, but there it is. That’s what iPlayer is for. Watch it,” tweeted another viewer this evening.
The BBC acknowledged the competition for viewers tonight due to the World Cup. It tweeted ahead of the episode: “We understand you might have other plans tonight”.
It included a football emoji. It added: “But #Casualty, the improvised episode will be available on @BBCiPlayer whether you’re celebrating or commiserating”.
(Image: BBC)
The improvised episode attracted much praise on the platform. One viewer commented: “Outstanding. It really highlighted the pressure the NHS and its staff is under.”
“I’d urge everyone to watch tonight’s [episode]. It’s such an important and powerful episode following the real-life struggles of paramedics and the NHS,” said another.