In the upcoming episodes of *The Young and the Restless*, the tension between Kyle Abbott and Summer Newman reaches new heights as their custody battle over Harrison intensifies. Kyle, under pressure, finds himself in a heated exchange with Summer, who accuses him of being unfit to raise Harrison. Summer’s frustration grows when she suspects Kyle of relying too heavily on Claire, which only fuels her determination to win sole custody of Harrison.
At the same time, Adam Newman’s plans seem to backfire spectacularly. Despite his efforts to keep things under control, his relationship with Chelsea is strained, especially when Billy Abbott starts digging into what’s really going on between them. Billy’s relentless pursuit of the truth creates more friction, leaving Adam feeling cornered and vulnerable.
Meanwhile, Kyle struggles to manage the situation with Harrison. When Harrison falls ill after dining at a restaurant, Summer uses the incident to further criticize Kyle’s parenting skills. Kyle’s attempt to defend himself only leads to more conflict, as Summer refuses to back down in her quest for custody.
As the week progresses, Kyle realizes that the situation is spiraling out of control. He confides in Claire, acknowledging that he needs her help more than ever to navigate the increasingly difficult circumstances. However, as Summer continues to push for custody, Kyle is forced to question his own decisions and whether he’s truly doing what’s best for Harrison.
The episode leaves viewers on edge, wondering if Kyle and Summer can find a way to co-parent without tearing each other apart, or if their feud will lead to an even more bitter custody battle. The stakes are higher than ever, and the future of Harrison’s upbringing hangs in the balance.